Friday, November 20, 2009

Two Months Old!

Kaidence - You are TWO months old today!

What are you up to these days???
  • You weigh around 12 lbs - 13 pounds
(you're 2 month well check-up is Tuesday the 24th!)
  • You wear a size 2 diaper
  • You are wearing 0-3 months and 3 months clothes

  • You love to sit up
  • You got a new swing from Grammie & PawPaw and you LOVE it! You swing pretty much all day
  • You LOVE to eat!!! You take 3-4 ounces every 3 hours. You don't wait one minute past 3 hours! It's like perfect clock work!
  • You are starting to coo and smile now

  • You are already a BIG daddy's girl!
  • You love bath time with daddy because he sings the "Bath Song"
  • You love to be outside. We rock on the front porch most every afternoon around 5 while you take your bottle.
  • You love to SHOP! ;o) You seem so amazed with all the lights & noise at the stores.

  • You still love your paci! I've caught you trying to suck your thumb some, too! It looks silly because it's so small between those two big cheeks :o) ... But, I stop you everytime I see you sucking it! Pacis are much easier to take away, because it's not like I can cut your thumb off! ;o)
  • You don't mind hairbows until you get upset! Then you snatch them off and usually try to eat it.
  • You are suppose to have tummy time everday, but you only have about 3 minutes. You would have more, but you pitch SUCH a F-I-T!!!
  • Dr E says it's ok though because you have very STRONG neck muscles! You are always holding that head up which makes it very hard to burp you.

  • Mommy & Daddy love you very much!

**Weight Information**
Birth - 7 pounds, 4 ounces

9/24/2009(back in hosp for jaundice) - 6 pounds, 9 ounces
9/28/2009(2 week check-up) - 7 pounds, 3 ounces
10/20/2009(1 month check-up) - 9 pounds, 8 ounces
10/24/2009(had a cold, went to Dr. E for checkup) - 10 pounds, 8 ounces

1 comment:

Mommy said...

Happy 2nd month! Cute photos. I like how you record what she is up to. I never did that with my girls and I wish I had :( Have a great weekend!