I am amazed at how beautiful and smart you are!
You are still a wonderful sleep! Sleeping between 8-10 hours per night.
You are completely off the bottle and pacifier
You are on cow's milk & table foods only
You love to "sing", clap, dance, and click your tongue to music. This makes your Daddy so proud!
You still crawl with 1 leg! It looks so silly, but you are super fast with that 1 leg ;)
You are walking holding on to your push toys, our fingers, and furniture.
You can stand on your own, until you realize you are doing it!
You say a few words including:
Mom-ma, Dad-de, Boo{book}, Baa{ball}, Paw-Paw, Aw!, No-No, Yeah!, Hey, and I'm sure there's more..I just can't remember right now :)
Your Daddy has taught you how to "beat-box"-ha! He starts going, and you join in with your mouth thumping. Again making him so proud!
You love to "talk on the telephone"! You have several fake phones and your smash them up to your ear like you are talking. It's so cute.
You have a wave for "hi" & wave for "bye"
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