Tuesday, February 9, 2010

CHD Awareness Week.

Many of you probably remember my Christmas Day Continued Post. Well, I posted a picture of Josh's Uncle Jeff holding Kaidence.
Jeff has CHD. He has Tetralogy of Fallot just like Bentley. As you can tell, Jeff is older. I think he is 64. I'm not 100% sure, but if I'm wrong..Grammie please let me know! ;) He has never had any kind of surgery for his T.O.F.! Isn't that amazing? I tell you, God is truly amazing. Josh's Grandma has a lot of information about Jeff's CHD. His story is a true testimony of God's work!
Jeff is quite the character, though. He loves to put on a show, loves attention, and pretty women -ha!

Bentley's mom is actually having a giveaway to spread more information about CHD. So, check out her blog and continue to Pray for Bentley!

**For Bentley's CHD story click here!


Elizabeth said...

Thank you for posting this. We all need to help! :-)

Annie said...

Thank you for sharing this Ashley!