Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fall Fun at The Clements

We are super close with the members of Josh's new band.
I love that! It is so nice to not feel awkward when we are around each other a lot.
We all love to hang out, and this weekend we had a Fall Shindig! :)

We decided to go as farmers and K was a cute little piggy.
{yes, I am super cheesing!}
The cutest farmer & piggy I have ever seen.

Mommy & Piggy K 
She did not like her head piece, so she kept taking it off!  
She still looked precious, especially with this little stinker face she kept giving everyone.
Cousin Wendy dressed up as a Geek. 
Cousin Savannah was a Rag Doll. 
This picture seriously cracks me up.
Josh looks like a true "country man"
FYI - he was eating, not dipping! 
After all the games were played, we had to wait on dinner to finish
These two little sweeties decided to look at the stars. 
Then ...
dinner was ready! 
It was Kaidence the Piggy's long lost brother!

We had so much fun!
I seriously love spending time with the band members & their family.

And, one more picture that is just too funny not to share!
Jeremy stood behind here & let kids throw balloons full of shaving cream at him.. 


Annie said...

I love that little piggy costume!! SOOO cute!!

Meant to be a mom said...

Oh my goodness what a precious little piggy you have there. Cute costume.

I love all the other costumes also. So much fun.